GBC® eMMA X-ray Powder Diffractometers
The GBC eMMA or Enhanced MMA is the latest version of the unique “Mini Materials Analyser”
It is based on a unique platform which includes transportable cabinets with built-in Harmonic gearbox goniometer. It is available in Theta/2Theta and in Theta/Theta configurations.
The software includes the famous Tracesv6 which is integrated with the current ICDD database.
There are a wide range of optics, stages, accessories, and detectors available for the eMMA.
MtriX Detector
The Unique FCT Nova or GBC MtriX detector, a fast multi strip detector which can be added to any diffractometer with stepping motor drives. This can bring an older instrument up to current performance expectations. Scan speeds up to 30 times faster, or count rates up to 30 times higher can be expected. Installation is unobtrusive, only requiring access to stepping motor clock pulses.
The Diffraction Technology XMR is a new approach to high power X-ray micro radiography.
It uses X-ray Diffraction components, tube, tube-shield, etc. and can use any X-ray generator with a compatible HT cable. In this photo the generator is a Spellman XLF1200® compact 1.2 kW unit.
The XMR can run in contact mode or in magnification (transmission) mode. The former includes a vacuum stage to hold the sample against the film. The latter has a thin film stage to support the sample for transmission. Calibrated magnification factors of 2 x and 4 x are available.
In contact mode, source to sample distance is 400mm.
X-Ray WorX 160kV
X-ray WorX are a premium manufacturer of high voltage ( 160 V and 225 kV) microfocus sources for microradiography. Sources are available with reflection and transmission targets and in special configurations for applications such as pipeline inspection.
Parallel Optic
Focussing Optic
X-ray Optical Systems Inc. manufacture a range of polycapillary and reflective optics for focussing and collimating (quasi-parallel beam) applications.
They also offer integrated systems incorporating sources and optics for OEM and special systems.
Unique applications such as confocal X-ray Fluorescence are possible with focussing optics on the source and detector sides.
Contact Diffraction Technology for brochures and application data.
ATPS XRD 1000 Series
The XRD 1000 series of X-ray Diffraction Tubes feature a high primary intensity with a homogeneous intensity distribution, spectral purity and long lifetime.
Full line of Tubes available: 2 anode lengths / 4 different focal spots
7 different target materials:
Large and Thin Be-window
Sharp focal spots
Manufactured under ISO 9000
Direct replacements for:
– AEG/Thomson, Enraf-Nonius, Rigaku, Siefert, Siemens, Varian
AXO Mirror
AXO of Dresden, Germany manufacture a range of multilayer coatings or Layered Synthetic Microstructures, which are Bragg reflective devices.
These are available on many different substrates.
Shown here is a parabolic mirror optic which gives a parallel beam in the vertical axis for use with a powder diffractometer in thin film mode.
Contact Diffraction Technology for Application information
Upgrades & XRD Software
The range of GBC-Difftech upgrades is such that standard versions exist for many popular older instruments.
For Instance, Philips PW1050® – based systems, Siemens D500 and D501® , Rigaku ® and Scintag goniometers.
The GBC-Difftech 122D upgrade includes one or two 5-phase stepping motors, adaptions to the gonio. axis shafts, home and limit switches etc. It also includes VisXRD data acquisition software and Tracesv6 screen processing software.
Click here to download a brochure on Upgrades
The famous and widely used Tracesv6 has over 100 functions useful in analysis of X-ray powder diffraction data.
It also allows access to the current ICDD databases and has a powerful Hanawalt search/match available as a plug-in.
Other plug-ins allow Indexing and Unit Cell refinement and compatible accessory software such as Siroquant® gives you Rietveld refinement and accurate quantitative analysis.
Shielding Cabinets
Heavy duty X-ray shielding cabinets with steel frame and panels lined with Lead sheet and interior trim panels of Anodised Aluminium. Windows can be fitted with Lead Glass or Lead/Acrylic, depending on the duty required.
Lighter duty shielding cabinets of Aluminium frame fitted with Clear Rigid PVC can be supplied as supplementary safety enclosures for diffractometers with close fitted shielding which does not meet today’s standards.